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Ghost Producers

Just like with any artistic profession, many people are always trying to find an easy way to get ahead in their specific industry. With people who are trying to make it in electronic dance music, some may resort to using a ghost producer. A ghost producer is someone that is compensated to create an original music production for another person. When this is done, there are usually contracts where the ghost producer will sign away full rights of the track to the other person and even have statements in the contract where they can not disclose that they were the ones who actually made the song. This is a practice that is widely used in this industry. Many artist who do not participate in this act are vocal about how it is damaging to the community.

There are many reasons why someone would resort to using a ghost producer. The main reason is that they want quick access to fame. They also are not taking the time and hard work to actually learn to create music for themselves. There are many websites that people can visit in which they pay someone to create a song for them and are widely used. Using a ghost producer can be compared to using performance enhancing drugs in sports. They won't make you famous, but the work required is dramatically reduced.

There is also the situation where many producers will create and swap tracks with each other. Both may know how to produce quality tracks, but sometimes due to stringent tour schedules and deadlines for record labels, a particular artist may not have time to create a tune in time. During these moments, they will sometimes contact a friend who also produces and compensate them for the creation of a song that they need. Some think this practice is wrong, but others debate that it is just two friends helping each other out.

It's hard to say if using a ghost producer is wrong. Even if someone creates a piece of art for them, it still must be promoted and marketed for it be noticed by the general public. Some say that promoting is where the most work needs to be done. Also, if one only relies on ghost producers, at some point, the actual knowledge that they have in the creative process of a track will come to light. This will show how hard they have dedicated their time to this art form.

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